Freemasonry 1

Freemasonry 2


   The world's oldest and largest fraternal organization. Today,
there are more than four million Masons worldwide, and some two
million in North America. They come from every walk of life, from many religions and many diverse ideologies. All believe in the existence of a Supreme Being and meet as friends and brothers, in peace and harmony. This is one of the great fascinations of Masonry and one of its great strengths. >What is Freemasonry? Dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man, Freemasonry's singular
purpose is to make good men better. Not better than someone else, but better within themselves. Masonry teaches that each person has an obligation to make a difference for good. Freemasonry is kindness in the home, honesty in business,
courtesy in society, fairness in work, concern for the unfortunate and respect for one another. FREEMASONRY IS AWAY OF LIFE.

Is Masonry a secret society?
No! It does have some modes of recognition, but
most Masons do not hide their membership, or where and
when they meet.

What else?
Masonry's strength is in helping people. Every day in North America, Masons donate over two million dollars to charitable causes. In Ontario the Masonic Family donates in excess of three million dollars annually.

This is the commitment to humanity that Masons hold so dear. Most of this funding goes to those who are not Masons.

Shriners operate the largest network of hospitals in North America for burned and orthopaedically impaired children, free of charge. The Scottish Rite Masons maintain a network of some 150 Childhood Language Disorder Clinics, Centres, and Programs.

Other members of the Masonic Family sponsor a variety of philanthropies, including scholarship and bursary programs. Masons perform a variety of public service activities in their community.

The Masonic Family

The foundation of the Masonic Family is the Masonic Lodge. It is here that Masonry teaches its lessons.

In Ontario, there are approximately 64,000 Masons, belonging to some 630 Lodges, in 46 Districts, governed by a Grand Lodge, having its headquarters in Hamilton.

All applicants must come of their own free will. They must ask a Mason about joining.


There is no higher degree in Freemasonry than that of Master Mason. When a man has achieved that status he can broaden his Masonic horizons by participation in other branches of the Masonic Family, such as; Scottish Rite, York Rite and the Shrine.